Monday, December 11, 2006

This Post is Dedicated to my Housemate in Budapest and Dearest Friend Lionel...

... because I went out for lunch with him today and he told me that I only mentioned him once on my blog during my whole time in Budapest. Now there are ten reasons why he should have been mentioned more often on my blog between January and May 2006:

1. Lionel was the first familiar face I saw upon arriving in Budapest - a town where I did not understand what people said to me or how any word is pronounced.
2. Lionel was a great cook (still is!) and made the greatest strawberry-soup/sorbet!
3. Lionel was there for me during the tougher times in those months.
4. Lionel and I had the best apartment... ever!
5. Lionel and I shared the worst experience in Budapest: The dormatory with the dirty rooms!
6. Lionel always left breadcrums lying around on the kitchen counter - and I would always clean them up after him ;). But then again - he cooked often for me, so that made it all up again!
7. Lionel was always up for a drink - or two. And he found the best bars and pubs in town.
8. Lionel would tolerate my constant watching of Alpine Ski on TV - he'd also make fun of Austrian Skiers... But that's just because he doesn't want to realize that Swiss skiers are just not as good anymore!!! Hah!
9. Lionel and I had some classes together - and worked on the coolest project together: Bombardier' logistics processes... At least the PowerPoint-presentation looked good!
10. Lionel should have been mentioned more often because he came home from Balaton with about 1,000,000 mosquito bites and wouldn't stop scratching himself for 3 days. Thank you Lio for giving me such a good reason to stay away from Balaton ;).


Blogger Michaela said...

hm ja, bin auch nur 1x gementioned worden *eifersüchtiggugg* :oP

5:36 PM  

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