Monday, March 26, 2007

Welcome to Working Life!

It's been one and a half weeks since I started my new job, and I can happily say that I enjoy working life very much. I have been in training for about one week and today I was finally the one in charge of working with our French office. Naturally, all the training, the new atmosphere, new people and at the same time still working on my Master's Thesis is quite tiring - however, totally worth it!
Overall though, I believe my job will be very interesting. To take care of the French office encompasses going to France from time to time; the first time within the next three months. Yet the other part of my job - process management - will be the challenging part of my job. The big challenge is talking to people and making decisions they won't necessarily approve of. We shall see how things develop.
There are not many other news at the moment. But I am sure more pictures and news will arrive as soon as it gets warmer and we get to go outdoors more on weekends. For example a first motorcycle trip around easter (if the weather allows for it...).

Monday, March 05, 2007

Job Hunt...

The job hunting hasn't really started for me when it was already over!! And that's definitely good news.

Thinking of a life after my Master's Thesis, I decided to apply for a position as an Export Sales Assistant at an Austrian farming equipment company (called Pöttinger). The job description looked interesting and the company being quite international seemed just as interesting. I was invited for my first interview last Monday - and for a second one on Friday. They gave me time over the weekend to make my decision, they really wanted me in the company. I've signed the contract today and sent it off by mail. So now the job-hunt has turned into a car-hunt, as I need a car to get to my new job. The only 'problem'.. I start next week. Uh oh!

But I already spotted a good car and we'll see by tonight whether that shall be my future car.

So... This past week in a nutshell: The future is on its way!

In other news: We finally received and put up our bed! No more sleeping on a matrass on the floor! It feels sooooo good!